Saturday, November 15, 2008

Day 3 of Art of the Carolinas

One more day. I keep telling my feet and back - we can make it!!! There is an amazing group of women who make up the Carolina Mixed Media Art Guild. They - We - have been at the North Raleigh Hilton the past 3 mornings at the crack of dawn, ready to flip classrooms (peel painty plastic off the tables, replace it, haul buckets of dirty paint water and fresh clean water, cater to the whims of artist/instructors), manning the ATC tables, manning (womaning?) the Guild info booth. Three of us will have been there for the entire event and we've had many many others coming in and out, adding extra hours to their assignment to help out as we've needed them. Sure, we're slap-happy, sillier than usual, groaning a bit - but all in all it's been a great experience.

We've met some truly amazing people. I'm being just a wee bit silly about whims of instructors - one delightful woman was concerned about one of her students who was elderly and alone and late for class - it's pretty amazing for someone who's no spring chick herself, who's been teaching for 3 days straight to packed classes (told you she was amazing!) to still have the compassion to be concerned about the well being of one of her students.

Students, teachers and vendors are here literally from all over the world. I've met people from France and from Australia. We had the most fun group of women from Alabama make ATCs with us tonight, a husband & wife from VA - he's the artist, but we had her making ATCs right along with us, Jerry's staff and workers - what fun they are!, the hotel staff WOW. If only it wasn't grey and rainy...but that certainly hasn't kept people away at all!

And of course, there's the Trade Show and Sale. I haven't gone totally crazy and am going to check on a couple of booths tomorrow before they pack up and head back home to make sure there isn't something I absolutely have to have. I'm about to enter a painting phase. I'm kind of excited about it :-)

Alright - time for ibuprofen, washing my face, and deep rejuvenating sleep so I can hop out of bed ready for the last day of fun!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Busy Week Ahead!

I need one of those yellow and black warning street signs - BUSY WEEK AHEAD! Work-work through Wednesday, then it's 4 days filled with art and friends and meeting people and working and who knows what at Art of the Carolinas. Jerry's Artarama sponsors this amazing event annually. It consists of 4 days of classes with nationally renowned artists and 3 days of a trade show/sale. People come in from all over the country, I've heard of many who buy their supplies for the entire year at this event because the great prices.

I'm president of The Carolina Mixed Media Art Guild and our fabu Scribe, Penny Arrowood, had a stroke of brilliance. (she has them on a regular basis - she's one of the busiest, most organized, creative, FUN women I know) She suggested that we offer the Guild's services as "runners" for the AOC (Art of the Carolinas) weekend. Sharon, the master mind of AOC, loved the idea and we are not only helping with classroom setup, we're hosting an ATC Make & Take for Strathmore and Jerry's, and manning an information table for the Guild. Strathmore has come out with a series of ATC substrates using many of their great papers - from canvas paper to watercolor paper to illustration board - 7 or so different types. It has been a real treat trying them out while creating samples and cards for trading at the show.

If you are in the Raleigh, NC area this coming weekend - stop by the North Raleigh Hilton, check out the trade show, take a class (check the website - you can still sign up or even show up and sign up!), make some ATCs and meet us at the Guild table!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Weathered Bezels

I taught my first bezel class yesterday. I was inspired by Stephanie Lee's SemiPrecious Salvage (wonderful book) but I haven't worked with a torch yet. I've been using a soldering iron and teaching classes with it for several years now, so thought I might just try a bezel with the soldering iron. I used bezel wire instead of copper pipe. Very pleased with the results. And my students' projects were fabulous!

It's always a treat to teach at Ornamentea - not only is it the best store, the best people work there and their customers and students are always amazing!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Great Class - Fun Students!

I cannot even believe it's been so long since I last posted. I'll blame it on the hot summer.

I taught a wonderful group of 8 women today at Panopolie ( ). It was the Memento Pendant class - basic soldered charms. Among the amazing students were a mom and daughter, 2 women who drove up from Wilmington (who know my dear friend Elizabeth), and a brand new transplant from Phoenix, another dear friend, and 2 new friends rounds out the class - we have so much fun and everyone creates such different and delightful things.

Back to work tomorrow - but tomorrow evening my art group meets. We've been together 6 or 7 years now and September is our anniversary month. Will have to remember to take photos.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sunday morning musing

Interesting thoughts in the air today. I was up on a ladder replacing light bulbs for my Mom; she was discussing the differences between 2 big box hardware stores and noting that the differences between them had grown larger and which store she preferred. (Personally, I think she has a thing for the guys in the orange aprons) She made a comment that has me thinking. She wants to make a conscious decision about what stores have what she wants and to go specifically to them and not waste time running all over the place to see if someplace else might just have something a little different, a little cheaper, a little something. I know, I know, not rocket science and it’s something we all know anyway. And of course, going new places you find new things. However….ALL of us are looking for more time to do things we’d prefer to be doing or things we need to be doing. ALL of us would rather spend our hard earned dollars on something other than gasoline. And, I dare say, ALL of us are looking for ways to simplify and reduce the “stuff” we have. Jodi, member of Carolina Mixed Media Art Guild, great artist and fun person, received a tip from a reader of her blog – a challenge not to go to the grocery store and just use whatever is in the freezer, fridge and pantry. Another blog I read a week or so ago talked about Slow Food (a whole movement is afoot regarding this). Friend of a friend has a booth at one of our local Farmers’ Markets and says people are buying fresh and local like never before. People seem to be cooking at home more. What is it all about? Nesting? Saving money? Health? All of the above? None of the above? I don’t know either. Definitely some things to think about.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Soldering 101

I taught a wonderful group of women at Ornamentea today - soldered glass charms, the Memento Pendant class. There 7 in the class - all very different with great style and personality. I didn't give Kathy, the chemist too hard of a time - my memories of chemistry class are not terribly pleasant. Shiloh drove up from SC for a weekend of classes - she gets to do resin charms tomorrow - what fun! (we almost drove her crazy trying to figure out a hotel for her!) We decided to pull out the patinas after finishing soldering and some of the charms ended up with dark, antique looking finishes. I really need to use patina more, it's a great look.

I feel so fortunate to be able to teach at Ornamentea and Panopolie and have the added pleasure of meeting amazing people while doing one of my absolute most favorite things!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I don't know how it could possibly be July already. Sure, when you're a kid all the grown ups tell you time goes faster when you're older, but who believed that? Darned if they weren't right.

Tomorrow I'm heading to Denita's right after work for yummy food, delightful company, fireworks and art. Can't beat that for the start to a long weekend! We're going to stay up late and sketch and make jewelry and talk and talk and talk. Who says grown ups can't have slumber parties? I want to play with a new idea for a larger Guardian Angel. And I really want to make some glass boxes. We'll see what comes of late night sketching.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Treasure Hunting!

I know, I know, I still don't have this blogging thing down and I don't post enough. I'll get better.
The results of a day of treasure hunting! My mom and I decided to get up early and hit a tag sale at a local Masonic lodge - she ended up with a flute for $25! (and I finally found an old Scrabble game - I was beginning to think there was a strange force field around me that prevented me from ever finding them!) Then we hit a couple other yard sales around the area, discovered a new thrift shop, one of the local Goodwill Stores and after lunch decided to check out a favorite - Gresham Lake Antique Mall. What treasures! I found some wonderful old cabinet photos and prints of photos and now that I've decided to collect cornucopia/horn shaped pottery - they're popping up everywhere (and at 50% off - who could resist?). Mom found a solid maple dining table with 6 chairs for the enormous sum of $95 (can you believe?) it's perfect for her piano students - they have once a month study groups and meet in the sun room. Dear friend Mike helped with the table (the hazards of having a truck and being a kind soul). Did I mention it was SOLID MAPLE? Holey moley it was heavy! When we went to pick it up, someone had dropped off a wonderful tray table - coffee table. Painted/crackled and perfect to go with my funky old sofa - woohoo! What else - wonderful pieces of pottery, handblown glass candlesticks, crocheted & embroidered linen that I forgot to put in the photos, a needledpointed pillow in a Maggie Lane design, a pen & ink drawing (probably european), a little china doll, I know I'm forgetting things, but I'm following my dear friend Elizabeth's example and posting pics of the weekend's finds. (and dear friend Denita says there's a new place to check out - Suzanne's in North Raleigh!) (btw - Elizabeth, Denita, Mom and I are serious treasure hunters! Well, not SERIOUS serious - but man do we have fun and find TREASURES!)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Semiprecious Salvage, metals classes with Lillian Jones

Have you seen Stephanie Lee's book - Semiprecious Salvage? I got it a month or so ago while I was working on inventory for the craft show on the 10th. Why is it that you discover something new and inspiring that fills your head with new ideas when you're supposed to be focused on something else? Stephanie's blog is at - I LOVE the tag line on her header - "Revelling in the perfection of imperfection".

The book is written as an archealogist's field journal - great projects, photos of the works in process - and oh my what eye candy! I did let myself buy a pipe cutter and 2 sizes of copper pipe in anticipation of play time. I have some sheet metal and screen and plenty of wire and solder. Why in the world wouldn't an art supply store have plaster? Oh well - as if we really need an excuse to go to the hardware store....

Now I have to get brave enough to use a torch! I just need to take one of Lillian Jones' metal classes at Ornamentea. Lillian is an amazing artist, member of the Carolina Designer Craftsmen. Check out her website - have a towel ready to wipe up drool. Want to join me at one of her classes?

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Post Fair Exhaustion

It was an absolutely beautiful day - Carolina Blue skies, warm, an occasional breeze (note to self - get weights for tent) A wonderful local Celtic band - Barrowburn - played for several hours, what fun! Not great traffic at the show, but I met some great people and renewed old friendships. My dear friend and fellow artist, Denita, helped me with setup - sat and chatted and wrapped packages and chatted and sat and helped break things down. Yummy dinner at Cozumel - heavenly air conditioning (that warm turned downright hot). Dear friend and fellow artist, Elizabeth came up from Wilmington and stayed to have dinner. My friend Ray from work stopped by (but Jack the faithful mostly lab stayed home). I'm afraid Art and Craft Fairs are just not his thing. It's wonderful to have good friends who support you with everything from hard labor to wonderful company and supportive words.

I'm very pleased with the reception my Guardian Angels received - I've had fun making them. It's interesting how working on something like a show gets your brain moving in directions of new creations - of course, you have to stay focused and get things completed - I sure have some fun new things to try out!

Photos soon - they're in Denita's camera, have to wait for them to slip out into cyberland so I can load them.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The first post...

Starting a blog….

Hey, do you have a blog?
That’s definitely blog-worthy.
What’s your blog address?
Have you read her blog today?
You should really post that on your blog.
You’ve got to check out this blog!
Check out my blog – I just posted my new painting.
Somerset’s new Artful Blogging is out – have you seen it?
She said “I’m SO blogging that!”
Oh yeah, she wrote about that on her blog.
No, I don’t have a website – I blog.
You’re in her blog today!

Blog – is it a noun or a verb? Should it be capitalized? Me, me - I want one too! What do I do? Does it have to be serious? Is it hard to do? Where do I go? Will anyone really read it? What will I say?

And so it begins…my blog. Or is it Blog?

Life is certainly interesting. From the little pink faux leather book stamped My Diary in gold letters, with the little lock and key so no one could read your secret thoughts (Unless, of course, you had a snoopy sister or brother) to blogs. Here we all are, posting like mad – our thoughts, our ideas, our creations, our families and friends – all out here on the web where literally the entire world can see them. Who would have thought?

Well, I'm jumping in too. This is going to be my little corner of the web. Pull up a comfy chair, pour your favorite beverage, relax and be welcome!