Sunday, May 18, 2008

Semiprecious Salvage, metals classes with Lillian Jones

Have you seen Stephanie Lee's book - Semiprecious Salvage? I got it a month or so ago while I was working on inventory for the craft show on the 10th. Why is it that you discover something new and inspiring that fills your head with new ideas when you're supposed to be focused on something else? Stephanie's blog is at - I LOVE the tag line on her header - "Revelling in the perfection of imperfection".

The book is written as an archealogist's field journal - great projects, photos of the works in process - and oh my what eye candy! I did let myself buy a pipe cutter and 2 sizes of copper pipe in anticipation of play time. I have some sheet metal and screen and plenty of wire and solder. Why in the world wouldn't an art supply store have plaster? Oh well - as if we really need an excuse to go to the hardware store....

Now I have to get brave enough to use a torch! I just need to take one of Lillian Jones' metal classes at Ornamentea. Lillian is an amazing artist, member of the Carolina Designer Craftsmen. Check out her website - have a towel ready to wipe up drool. Want to join me at one of her classes?

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Post Fair Exhaustion

It was an absolutely beautiful day - Carolina Blue skies, warm, an occasional breeze (note to self - get weights for tent) A wonderful local Celtic band - Barrowburn - played for several hours, what fun! Not great traffic at the show, but I met some great people and renewed old friendships. My dear friend and fellow artist, Denita, helped me with setup - sat and chatted and wrapped packages and chatted and sat and helped break things down. Yummy dinner at Cozumel - heavenly air conditioning (that warm turned downright hot). Dear friend and fellow artist, Elizabeth came up from Wilmington and stayed to have dinner. My friend Ray from work stopped by (but Jack the faithful mostly lab stayed home). I'm afraid Art and Craft Fairs are just not his thing. It's wonderful to have good friends who support you with everything from hard labor to wonderful company and supportive words.

I'm very pleased with the reception my Guardian Angels received - I've had fun making them. It's interesting how working on something like a show gets your brain moving in directions of new creations - of course, you have to stay focused and get things completed - I sure have some fun new things to try out!

Photos soon - they're in Denita's camera, have to wait for them to slip out into cyberland so I can load them.