Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sunday morning musing

Interesting thoughts in the air today. I was up on a ladder replacing light bulbs for my Mom; she was discussing the differences between 2 big box hardware stores and noting that the differences between them had grown larger and which store she preferred. (Personally, I think she has a thing for the guys in the orange aprons) She made a comment that has me thinking. She wants to make a conscious decision about what stores have what she wants and to go specifically to them and not waste time running all over the place to see if someplace else might just have something a little different, a little cheaper, a little something. I know, I know, not rocket science and it’s something we all know anyway. And of course, going new places you find new things. However….ALL of us are looking for more time to do things we’d prefer to be doing or things we need to be doing. ALL of us would rather spend our hard earned dollars on something other than gasoline. And, I dare say, ALL of us are looking for ways to simplify and reduce the “stuff” we have. Jodi, member of Carolina Mixed Media Art Guild, great artist and fun person, received a tip from a reader of her blog – a challenge not to go to the grocery store and just use whatever is in the freezer, fridge and pantry. Another blog I read a week or so ago talked about Slow Food (a whole movement is afoot regarding this). Friend of a friend has a booth at one of our local Farmers’ Markets and says people are buying fresh and local like never before. People seem to be cooking at home more. What is it all about? Nesting? Saving money? Health? All of the above? None of the above? I don’t know either. Definitely some things to think about.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Soldering 101

I taught a wonderful group of women at Ornamentea today - soldered glass charms, the Memento Pendant class. There 7 in the class - all very different with great style and personality. I didn't give Kathy, the chemist too hard of a time - my memories of chemistry class are not terribly pleasant. Shiloh drove up from SC for a weekend of classes - she gets to do resin charms tomorrow - what fun! (we almost drove her crazy trying to figure out a hotel for her!) We decided to pull out the patinas after finishing soldering and some of the charms ended up with dark, antique looking finishes. I really need to use patina more, it's a great look.

I feel so fortunate to be able to teach at Ornamentea and Panopolie and have the added pleasure of meeting amazing people while doing one of my absolute most favorite things!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I don't know how it could possibly be July already. Sure, when you're a kid all the grown ups tell you time goes faster when you're older, but who believed that? Darned if they weren't right.

Tomorrow I'm heading to Denita's right after work for yummy food, delightful company, fireworks and art. Can't beat that for the start to a long weekend! We're going to stay up late and sketch and make jewelry and talk and talk and talk. Who says grown ups can't have slumber parties? I want to play with a new idea for a larger Guardian Angel. And I really want to make some glass boxes. We'll see what comes of late night sketching.