Monday, September 29, 2008

Weathered Bezels

I taught my first bezel class yesterday. I was inspired by Stephanie Lee's SemiPrecious Salvage (wonderful book) but I haven't worked with a torch yet. I've been using a soldering iron and teaching classes with it for several years now, so thought I might just try a bezel with the soldering iron. I used bezel wire instead of copper pipe. Very pleased with the results. And my students' projects were fabulous!

It's always a treat to teach at Ornamentea - not only is it the best store, the best people work there and their customers and students are always amazing!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Great Class - Fun Students!

I cannot even believe it's been so long since I last posted. I'll blame it on the hot summer.

I taught a wonderful group of 8 women today at Panopolie ( ). It was the Memento Pendant class - basic soldered charms. Among the amazing students were a mom and daughter, 2 women who drove up from Wilmington (who know my dear friend Elizabeth), and a brand new transplant from Phoenix, another dear friend, and 2 new friends rounds out the class - we have so much fun and everyone creates such different and delightful things.

Back to work tomorrow - but tomorrow evening my art group meets. We've been together 6 or 7 years now and September is our anniversary month. Will have to remember to take photos.